Create this node tree by pressing ⌥ + S four times. Select the last node in the tree and press ⌥ + P to create a parallel node.
In order from left to right, these nodes will be: White Balance, Exposure, Colour Space Transform, Look, and Extra nodes 1 & 2.
Go to your third node, and open the Effects window.
Scroll down and find “Color Space Transform”. Drag it onto your third node.
In the settings dialogue that comes up, match these settings.
Your footage should now have transformed from THIS:
If you aren’t looking for a very artistic image, you can stop here. Otherwise, feel free to grade your V-Log clip how you please.
Once you have a grade you like, it’s time to bring it over to your other clips.
Select your first clip you haven’t graded yet.
Select the range of clips you want to apply the grade to by holding shift and clicking on the LAST ungraded clip in the range.
Right-click on the clip you graded. If on a Mac laptop, two-finger tap. Select “Apply Grade”.
Every clip in your range now has the same grade applied to it! Continue to make exposure/contrast adjustments on a per-clip basis so everything matches.